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We can always use more host churches, partner churches (which assist host churches), and general volunteers!!
Contact Family Promise at 406-465-9467 or email advocate@familypromisehelena.org for more information!

Family Promise Hosts & Partners
Carroll College (carroll.edu)
Covenant United Methodist Church
Church of Christ (South Hills)
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Helena Stake)
East Helena United Methodist Church (easthelenaumc.org)
Emmanuel Chapel (emmanuelchapelhelena.org)
Episcopal Church of the Nativity (nativityhelena.org)
First Baptist Church (fbcmontana.com)
First Church of Christ, Scientist
First Christian Church (fcchelena.org)
First Presbyterian Church (fpchelena.com)
Helena Alliance Church (helenaalliance.org)
Helena Center for Creative Living (thehelenacenter.org)
Helena Jewish Community
Helena Nazarene Church (helenanaz.org)
Helena Seventh Day Adventist Church
Life Convenant Church (www.lifecchelena.org)
New Life Lutheran Church (newlifehelena.org)
Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church (ourredeemerlives.org)
Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Parish (olvmt.org)
St. Mary's Catholic Church
St. Paul's United Methodist Church (stpaulshelena.org)
St. Peter's Episcopal Church (stpeterscathedral.net)
St. John's Lutheran Church (helenastjohns.org)